Re: PB G3 FBDev file?

perry (
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 23:11:13 -0400

Thanks, Rich. i followed your instructions, and sure 'nuff, i've got X
working on my Powerbok G3. Woo Hoo! In addition to your suggestions, i
uncommented the VideoRam setting right above the subsection i created, and
changed it to 4096, which is the amount of VRAM in the powerbook G3. not
sure if this is absolutely necessary, but it seemed like the right thing to
do, so i did it and nothing complained.

For Terrasoft... Gnome seems really slow, even on this 300MHz mac with
192MB of RAM! I assume that there's no video acceleration happening here on
the powerbook's graphics chipset yet, right? is there any support for this
out there, or any word on when it might be part of YDL [if it isn't
already, maybe i'm missing something]? I just want something so that i
can't see the windows slowly draw themselves every time i move a window or
open an app.

Oh, one more thing - what modifier keys do i use for 3-button mouse support
on a one button mouse? do i have to specify this in a config file
somewhere? I was very happy to note that my trackpad just worked without my
having to fiddle with anything.


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