High Pitched Squeal from G3 PB Flat Panel

Subject: High Pitched Squeal from G3 PB Flat Panel
From: Rob Comstock (robc@falcon.kla-tencor.com)
Date: Wed Oct 13 1999 - 09:38:37 MDT

Good Morning All:

Riding into work on the train this morning with my '99 G3 powerbook
with YDL, Igot a complaint from the fellow sitting next to me that
my laptop was emitting a very high pitched whine. I had difficulty
hearing it at the time but since I arrived at my desk at work I can
hear it quite clearly. I just installed YDL yesterday.

The panel emits no sound while the mac OS stuff is up but
the moment it goes into linux frame buff mode, it starts. This
is going to drive folks (including myself) crazy - both at work
and on the train. This will make it impossible for me to use YDL
on this machine.

Does anyone know of a cure for this ailment? Different
XF86Config monitor settings? Different X server?



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