[yellowdog-updates] Yellow Dog Linux Bugfix Advisory: YDU-20010602-1

Subject: [yellowdog-updates] Yellow Dog Linux Bugfix Advisory: YDU-20010602-1
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 12:14:45 MDT

Yellow Dog Linux Bugfix Announcement

Package: kernel
Issue Date: June 02, 2001
Priority: medium
Advisory ID: YDU-20010602-1

1. Topic:

        kernel-2.2.19-1i had incorrect support for
           certain new Apple hardware.

2. Problem:

        The initial YDL 2.0 kernel-2.2.19-1i did not properly
           use a default resolution of 1024x768 on the new
        2001 iBook (Dual USB) systems.

           Symptoms of this problem are default resolution of
           800x600 which results in a display which appears to
           repeat or contain black stripes.

        Additionally, revision 1i did not properly detect
        the Rage128 Ultra video on the Feb. 2001 iMac computers.

3. Solution:

           a) Updating via yup...
           We suggest that you use the Yellow Dog Update Program (yup)
           to keep your system up-to-date. The following command(s) will
           automatically retrieve and install the fixed version of
           this update onto your system:

                   yup update kernel

                (you may also yup update any of the additional kernel sub-packages
                that may apply to your system from the list below)

           b) Updating manually...
           The update can also be retrieved manually from our ftp site
           below along with the rpm command that should be used to install
           the update. (Please use a mirror site)

                rpm -Fvh kernel-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm

                and/or additional sub-packages:

                rpm -Fvh kernel-ans-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm (for Apple Network Servers)
                rpm -Fvh kernel-doc-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm
                rpm -Fvh kernel-pcmcia-cs-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm
                rpm -Fvh kernel-smp-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm (for SMP machines)
                rpm -Fvh kernel-source-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm
                rpm -Fvh kernel-utils-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm

        BootX users will still need to copy the new /boot/vmlinux-2.2.19-1k file
        to their Mac OS System Folder in order for the new kernel to be utilized.

4. Verification

MD5 checksum Package
-------------------------------- ----------------------------
7df2f61bb6a1cb1c80f530865693d326 SRPMS/kernel-2.2.19-1k.src.rpm
3e1adad3deb189c40a2e967d39629788 ppc/RPMS/kernel-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm
aee4b2d029ae677837644ce175d8d58e ppc/RPMS/kernel-ans-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm
78e948c39f06a98a58156e6888ec84b0 ppc/RPMS/kernel-doc-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm
85955f0f764edc9d09cdb802f87dfb5b ppc/RPMS/kernel-pcmcia-cs-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm
129954adee9f0677dda4d496e0509659 ppc/RPMS/kernel-smp-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm
1bb7e0a7bc92d7dd88fbe73fa17b94d0 ppc/RPMS/kernel-source-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm
f226c7090a079597ae313cde6917cff5 ppc/RPMS/kernel-utils-2.2.19-1k.ppc.rpm

If you wish to verify that each package has not been corrupted or tampered with,
examine the md5sum with the following command: rpm --checksig --nogpg filename

5. Misc.

Terra Soft has setup a moderated mailing list where these security, bugfix, and package
enhancement announcements will be posted. See http://lists.yellowdoglinux.com/ for more

For information regarding the usage of yup, the Yellow Dog Update Program, see

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