Bug report for new MacOS X compilation

Sam Bayer mol-devel@lists.maconlinux.org
Sat, 20 Mar 2004 15:18:03 -0500

>> At this point, I get stuck. I'm very sorry to be dense, but I'm not
>> sure how to get mol started.
> Well, what you need to do is
> 	cd src/kmod
> 	sudo make insert	(loads the MOL KEXT)
> 	cd ../
> 	sudo ./startmol
> /Samuel

Thanks, Samuel. I'm sorry to say that "sudo make insert" causes an 
extremely hard system crash. It executes kextload, which reports that 
the kernel appears to be valid, and the immediately I end up at the 
Darwin console. The error is "corrupt stack"; the backtrace does indeed 
list se.ibrium.iokit.MolExt(1.1). Then it prints out the kernel 
version, then "Memory access exception (1, 0, 0)" then "waiting for 
remote debugger".

I've never done remote debugging, although I do have a second Mac, 
which doesn't have OSX on it but could. I'm happy to help you figure 
out what's up, if you don't already know, but I'll need some guidance.

Sam Bayer