MOL controlling Airport Extreme

Daniel Metz dtmetz at
Mon Nov 15 21:59:20 MST 2004

I have started looking into seeing if MOL could be used to
get the airport extreme working under linux.

I have been talking to someone who has done a
little bit of research into this (so far he has a patch
that creates a virutal PCI device) and have been doing
a lot of digging on Mac's developer site but thought I would
check and see if anyone here had any experience or advice.

Basically I figure if you can edit MOL's oftree.x to look like
an Airport Extreme is on it and then pass on any commands
that OS X sends it to the actual hardware you can take advantage
of OS X's driver for the airport extreme.

I was wondering if anyone has tired this or had any success?
Has this been done for any hardware at all?  And if there
was any general directions you could point me in - it
doesn't have to be in detail (although that is certainly welcomed)
but I figure asking you now might save me a little time later.

Thanks for any ideas-


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