Re: X/MOL keyboard configuration under LinuxPPC

Subject: Re: X/MOL keyboard configuration under LinuxPPC
From: Quentin Mason (
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 11:41:02 MDT


I run on a Wallstreet powerbook, not a Pismo. There were discussions on
linuxppc-user a while back about difficulties with switching virtual
consoles on those machines. IIRC it may have been solved in later
kernels, and a workaround may have been to hit function first. Your
problem might be related to that [I do not recall whether you have a Pismo
or Powerbook].

However, on my machine adb codes 55 and 58 do NOT correspond to option-2
and option-3 -- that sounds much more like the default xpmac behaviour,
and that this is not working. I would suggest that you check which keys
they do correspond to [man showkey; showkey -k and type every character on
the keyboard in a console prompt (_not_ X) should do the trick, maybe try
showkey -m too], and basically check that your args are really doing what
you think. You should not get anything for the right-mouse-button-key,
and the keycodes for the middle-mouse-button-key are related to the size
of the paste-buffer.

I would also recommend trying Function-<anything which does not work> as
this works quite well for me.

I am using a "patch" to the keymaps for powerbooks that sets "keycode 0x48
= Fn" in drivers/macintosh/ ie which keycode gives function
-- but I have not done enough testing to be sure of its effect[iveness].
You might try that if adventurous.

As the other respondee noted, you should check that the correct keymap is
being used by MOL in your molrc. My keyboard is reported as c3, is used
by Linux with a US keymap, and by MOL correctly as a UK keymap ie shift-3
is a pound-sterling sign, not #. However in mol, [Function] is often
needed to get the keys working correctly -- I have 52 and 58 which is
[Enter] and [Option] in linux and they DO NOT generally work in MOL. I use
fn-opt-3 which gives down-# to get the comment character. To check what
you booted with you can look at /proc/cmdline.

Bottom Line: I suspect that 55,58 keycodes are NOT option-2 option-3
mainly because that is default behaviour on xpmac and also two-key
presses. I think that 58 might well be [option] on your machine, and that
that is interfering with linux sending the correct code to MOL.
Therefore I suggest trying [Function-] as a workaround.

Does anyone know what MOL does with the keys that are assigned to middle
and right button presses? I suspect that it is not working as naively
expected -- ie sending the MacOS key.


> OK, now that I have MOL running I have a different question. In the MOL
> window the Command-key is not working in MacOS - it's as though MOL
> ignores it. I assume this is related to my X keyboard configuration - in
> normal operation the Command key on my PowerBook functions as the Linux
> "Alt" key. In BootX I have "adb_buttons=55,58" as kernel parameters -
> this gives me option-2 and option-3 as the middle and right mouse buttons
> in KDE. Is this related to this problem? How do I get the Command-key
> to work in MOL?
> Also, if I use Command-Control-8 to switch to the MOL full-screen window
> (as root), I'm completely unable to switch back to any other console.
> The only way to get out of MOL is to select "Shutdown" from the Finder
> "Special" menu - then MOL exits correctly and I'm back at KDE. This
> problem with switching between virtual screens doesnt seem to happen if
> I'm not root. (ie, as a regular using I can Command-Control-7 etc and
> everything works fine...)

> Does anyone know what my problem is? (this specific problem... :))
> If this is an RTFM just point me to the correct M...
Not one I have read...

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