Re: video resolution problem

Subject: Re: video resolution problem
From: Jason E. Stewart ( )
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 10:16:19 MST


I have the same issue, and have not been able to fix it yet either
(lack of time, mostly). What Xserver are you running? I use the latest
Xpmac, I've been too lazy to switch to XF86_FBDEV.


>>>>> "Reed" == Reed Loefgren <> writes:

>> <*> control - Unrecognized cscode 20

[snip of mol output]


Reed> Hello all,

Reed> The above is a cut from the mol terminal from a recent run.
Reed> I want to run mol at 1152x864, and it starts up in that resolution but
Reed> moments later falls back to the 640x480 default. What am I doing wrong
Reed> here?
Reed> Haven't been able to figure out what to comment out/in on the molrc. I
Reed> have tried and mol crashes, so I went back to the molrc
Reed> generated/included by mol. Then I went and edited the resolution part,
Reed> and thought I had it made until it fell back. I have also tried
Reed> un-commenting 1152/864/75 part of the fb.modes file, but then I get no
Reed> visual at all.
Reed> The monitor is a Viewsonic G810, and 1152/864/75 is listed on the Mac
Reed> side as a recommended resolution, so I assume I'm not going to fry
Reed> anything. (It's what I use on the Mac side.).
Reed> I could use a hand here, or somebodies molrc to use as a backcheck.
Reed> Thanks for any ideas or help,

Reed> Reed

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