MOL on my pismo... it works

Subject: MOL on my pismo... it works
From: Francois Felix Ingrand (
Date: Sun Jun 04 2000 - 05:52:18 MDT

Thanks to Ben and Samuel, the latest version of MOL works on my pismo.

I am really impressed by this piece of code.

I still have some questions though.

What should be the fb.modes for a pismo:

Where can I find a clearer explanation of this various flags:

start_on_console: no # switch to console initially

Does it switch to VT8 upon startup?

autoswitch_console: yes # allow automatic switch to console

autoswitch from where?

enable_console_video: yes # 'no' to disable full-screen (console) video

This is to enable the VT display?

enable_xvideo: yes #

The X Windows display?

I tried to play with them and get mixed results.

Basically, I do not want the MOL X window, I just want the console (VT8),
and switch with <whatever-keys-work>F7/F8

Last, you cannot mount RW a partition under Linux and Mol... this make file
sharing a little bit difficult between them. Any suggestions?


Francois Felix INGRAND                       "Dieu est un fumeur de Havane."

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