tcp/IP errors on MOL

Subject: tcp/IP errors on MOL
From: Stefan Jeglinski (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 10:38:31 MDT

Greetings list. This is my first post. I have briefly scanned the
archives for discussion of this sort. The closest I have come is a
post by Robert Frezza and responses regarding ethernet IP packets and

I am using MOL to run SIMS at our company; as such, my use of MOL is
more than a curiosity :-) As a general rule, it's been champ, but
occasionally (every few days) the ethernet interface will "go deaf".
No errors that I can detect, but no connections can be made via
TCP/IP or Appletalk. I am running Apache and proftpd on the same
machine and they of course keep right on trucking.

Background: MacOS 8.6, currently MOL 0.9.46, dedicated static IP
address, SIMS is the only running application. This is on a
PowerTowerPro with PowerLogix 333/166 card, running rsynced 2.2.15
from Paul's stable tree. This morning I saw my first feedback (after
another deafness) that I thought might be commented on.

First, I got a Mac error that said the application TCP/IP quit with
an error of Type 2. I had never seen that before.

Second, the mol output showed:

via-cuda: Unimplemented packet type 160 received
<*> Can't allocate packet datas (621)
<*> Can't allocate packet datas (561)
<*> Can't allocate packet datas (621)
<*> Turning off allocation warnings.WARNING: Ethernet packet dropped
WARNING: Ethernet packet dropped
WARNING: Ethernet packet dropped
(warning repeated several more times before ending)

I had never seen the "Unimplemented packet type 160 received"
message. Also, the only way I have been able to get ethernet going
again is by rebooting. Simply unloading and reloading the TCP/IP
stack does not do it.

I should note that after I observed the earlier deafness, I tried a
suggestion by Robert Frezza I saw on linuxppc-user, regarding
changing tcp_rwin_mss_multiplier and tcp_mss_max. This fix, using
OTAT, was -in place- when I got the freeze and errors this morning.
However, I still have seen the Ethernet packet dropped warning from
time to time. *The important thing is that the ethernet does not
necessarily go deaf when the drop warnings appear.* I seem to be able
to continue for some arbitrary period before going deaf. I do not
even know if the deafness is related to the warnings.

I'll be happy to try any suggestions and give feedback. MOL is
fantastic, as it allows me to use my now-fave OS with my fave e-mail
app. Sorry if this has already been beaten to death on the list.

Stefan Jeglinski

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