Re: mouse settings?

Subject: Re: mouse settings?
From: Kyle Wheeler (
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 23:03:18 MST

At 12:17 PM -0600 3/10/00, Matt Haffner wrote:
>I'm just getting started with MOL and it looks really great! What are
>the best settings to use for good mouse response on a dedicated console
>MOL? I've got a B&W G3 and had it set to /dev/usbmouse and the usb
>protocol, but clicks aren't registered very well. I feel like I have to
>click 3-5 times to get one click through sometimes. At times button
>downs get through, but not button ups.
>Does 'console' do better? I got the feeling that this uses gpm. I don't
>have gpm working on my default LPPC2K install (it's running, but no
>console mouse... haven't investigated yet), but I'll make it work if it
>does a better job...

A friend of mine had a similar problem, and setting it to console did
wonders for him. (me and my outdated hardware stick to ADB, which
works beautifully).

Hope that helps,

~Kyle Wheeler

--- Mac for productivity. Linux for development. Palm for mobility. Windows for laughs.

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