Re: Help: Black screen on Powerbook G3

Subject: Re: Help: Black screen on Powerbook G3
From: John (
Date: Fri Mar 17 2000 - 16:43:25 MST

I had the same problem. Make sure that you are using the latest
version of mol. I believe that the minimum ROM necessary is OS 8.6
or 9. I had success with 9. You may also want to try a newer
kernel, although 2.2.14 should be fine. I'm using the one that came
with LinuxPPC 2000 (LinuxPPC Standard 2.2.15pre3).

>Hi mol-ers:
>I get a black screen when I start up MOL on my Powerbook G3. I've
>searched the archives and haven't found a solution to this problem.
>Others mentioned they have the same problem. I am using a Powerbook
>G3 wallstreet (233) (aty mach 64 video driver) and kernel 2.2.14.
>MOL starts up just fine but as soon as it creates an X window it
>freezes with strange console messages. I've appended the console
>messages and my molrc file. Any help is appreciated.
>Someone posted that he is running MOL just fine on a Powerbook G3
>Lombard. Wondering whats the trick. If someone has this working
>please email me or post your molrc file and let me know what OS
>you're using. Thanks.
>PS I have MacOS 8.51 and booting with the old-style ROM.
>The black screen hangs at the line 'video: Write to read-only
>register 6 !', then I hit control-c twice to stop the process.
>Using MOL library directory /usr/lib/mol
>Mac-on-Linux 0.9.41
>(C) 1997-2000 Samuel Rydh, <>
>Using resource file '/etc/molrc'
>MOL kernel module 1.1.41
>32MB RAM mapped at 0x20000000
><ROM_FIX> 4096K ROM mapped at 0x4fc00000
><Physical ROM mapping>
>ROM checksum = 0x1ca
>Running in PowerPC 750 mode (G3)
>DEC frequency: 0x00fbc520 (16 MHx), 165:10 mticks/usec
>PCI-bridge 'pci' (bus 0..0) installed at 0x80000000
>Heathrow, (0:16) found
>Don't know how to access NVRAM with 0 addesses
>No swim3 floppy controller found
>Video module 'xvideo' installed.
>Video module 'console_video' not installed.
>MODE: 640*480, depth 8,32, 0.0 Hz
>MODE: 800*600, depth 8,32, 0.0 Hz
>MODE: 1024*768, depth 8,32, 0.0 Hz
>MODE: 1152*864, depth 8,32, 0.0 Hz
>MODE: 1280*1024, depth 8,32, 0.0 Hz
>MODE: 1600*1200, depth 8,32, 0.0 Hz
>Starting in video mode 640*480, depth 32, 0.0 Hz [offs:0, rb:2560]
>osi_enet: Attached to network interface <eth0>
>osi_enet: Ethernet address is: 00 05 02 0f dc d6
>osi_scsi: *** OSI SCSI DISABLED **
>MESH SCSI-driver installed (IRQs 12/12)
>HFS disk: 1466 MB, /dev/hda7 [read-only]
>SCSI-Disk (hw-0): 0 MB
>Starting emulation...
>Unknown SPR register 1017
>Unknown SPR register 1017
>Unknown SPR register 1017
>Mapping GC at F3000000
>video: Write to read-only register 6 !
>Signal INT
>One more to kill emulator
>cleaning up...
>Terminating threads...
>newworld_boot: no
>processor: 8 # Should almost *ALWAYS* be 8 <------------
>ram_size: 32 # You might want to increase this
>blkdev: /dev/hda7 -ro
>#mouse_device: /dev/usbmouse
>mouse_protocol: console # usb (ps2), adb, console
>mouse_dpi: 140 # higher == slower mouse
>use_x_cursor: yes # use X cursor as mouse cursor
>disable_osi_enet: no
>enet_interface: eth0
>resolution: 640/480/60 # width/height[/Hz]
>depth: 8 #
>vmode_database: /etc/fb.modes
>start_on_console: no #switch to console initially
>autoswitch_console: yes #allow automatic switch to console
>enable_console_video: yes # 'no' to disable full-screen (console) video
>enable_xvideo: yes #
>use_backing_store: no # Set to 'yes' only if the X-server is remote.
>keyboard_id: 2
>gamma: 1.0 # one value for all RGB
>logfile: /tmp/mol-logfile # only used in debugger mode
>David Ray
>This electronic mail transmission and any accompanying documents
>contain information belonging to the sender which may be confidential
>and legally privileged. This information is intended only for the use
>of the individual or entity to whom this electronic mail transmission
>was sent as indicated above. If you are not the intended recipient, any
>disclosure, copying, distribution, or action taken in reliance on the
>contents of the information contained in this transmission is strictly
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>contact me at, to let me know, and delete the message.
>Thank you.

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