MOL Online?

Subject: MOL Online?
From: Darkshadow (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 01:00:12 MST

Is there something specific you're supposed to do to
get apps on the mac to go online using MOL? Or can
you not do this? I've tried a few things, but to no
effect. Only thing I've been able to do is ping
another computer that's on my network (my lil
powerbook that's still running Linux 1999 not Q3). If
I have to masq it through, then I'll have to give it
up. So far, any kernel I've compiled doesn't work on
my G4, I'm stuck using the one that came with the 2000
CD. If anyone has any suggestions, email me back,
I'll be sitting over here trying to superglue my hair
back in...

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