Re: CDT and MOL

Subject: Re: CDT and MOL
From: Dallas Blair (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2000 - 15:27:51 MST

You might try what I'm doing and just have a different extension set
for running MOL. I couldn't get it to run properly until I had most
of my extensions turned off, but now that's done it runs
beautifully.... Now if I can just talk my wife into letting me get
that 128 MB RAM module now we got our tax return!!!

Hope it helps.

Dallas Blair

At 4:09 PM -0600 3/30/00, Fred Hohlen wrote:
>Due to my 3rd party CD drive, I rely on CD-ROM Toolkit to use CDs.
>Unfortunetely, this appears to crash MOL every time it tries to boot. Any


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