Re: getting MOL to run...

Subject: Re: getting MOL to run...
From: Erick Singley (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2000 - 22:44:28 MST

>Thanks for the advice. I got the 1.6 ROM, did the strip_nwrom stuff and
>actually got a MacOS startup window! The only problem is that I also got
>a message saying that MacOS 9 won't work with this ROM. I looked at the
>ROM that came with my G4 and it was version 3.5. Does anyone know where I
>could get version 3.0? By the way, the 1.8.1 ROM completely wierds out
>mol for me...
>Tom Swanner III
>Office: 1100 Computing Services Center Bldg.
>(979) 845-0702

3.0 is included on the Mac OS 9 install disk. I used Tome Viewer
(from the MOL download page) and opened up the tome on OS9CD:Software
Installers:System Software:Mac OS 9:Istallation Tome. I extracted
the Mac OS ROM from that tome and then did the striprom thing on the
linux side.

Of course, I'm running 8.6, so this did *me* no good, but it might
help you (I'm using the 1.6 ROM) It gave me an error saying me
startup disk was not new enough (ie OS 9).

Hey! For all those interested I was pleased to see, of course, that
my Appleshare volumes were seen by other computers when launching
MOL, but I also thought it neat that Timbuktu Pro works just fine. I
can control my MOL screen from a remote computer. Very nice. As a
matter of fact, once sound works I may never boot into the Mac OS
again from startup ;) I"m sending this from Eudora within MOL.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny ..."
                 -- Isaac Asimov

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