MOL and VNC (charliemol and Xvnc)

Subject: MOL and VNC (charliemol and Xvnc)
From: Jeff Whitaker (
Date: Tue May 23 2000 - 09:47:58 MDT

I've tried both Charlie MacLachlan's molvnc patch and Xvnc to view MOL
remotely with vncviewer. Charlie's molvnc patch seems to work fine, albeit
very slowly since there is no encoding yet (any plans for that - at least
copyrect?). When I run MOL within an Xvnc session and view it remotely
with vncviewer, it's peppier (due to the hextile encoding), but the
keyboard mapping is all messed up. The keyboard mapping is fine within any
other X-application running inside Xvnc. I've tried changing the keyboard
ID within molrc to various things, with no effect. Anyone else experience


Jeffrey S. Whitaker                   Phone: (303)497-6313
NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center FAX  : (303)497-7013 
325 Broadway, Mail Code R/CDC1        Email:
Boulder, CO, USA  80303-3328          Web  :

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