Improvements in 0.9.43/44!

Subject: Improvements in 0.9.43/44!
Date: Wed May 24 2000 - 12:27:15 MDT

I've noticed that, beginning in 0.9.43, the color map in 256 color mode
(using the X window) is correct! However, the "Thousands" color mode is
still very off. I'm using XFree4-pre from Kostas with my Voodoo3.

Also, any chance that Fredericks sound patch would get rolled into the
official release?


Peter F. Handel          "[The anti-Christ] also forced everyone, small and      great ... to receive a mark [smart card?] on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could
FAX: (561) 619-8051       buy or sell unless he had the mark"-Revelation13:16
GCS d+ s+: a-- C++ UL+++ L+++ M++ PS-- PE++ Y+ PGP+ t+ X+ tv-- b+ e++>+++ y-

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