Subject: Re: SMP
From: Benjamin Herrenschmidt (
Date: Wed Jul 11 2001 - 16:00:45 MDT

>So this isn't MOL specific . . . but the group seems smart, so here goes.
>Speaking of kernel versions, etc. . . . does anybody have a dual processor
>g4 running the 2.4 kernel with SMP support? My system crashes when it tries
>to start up the SMP. It's really annoying, because I'd really like to have
>effectively doubled speed on my processes . . .
>I'm what some might call a "newbie" with linux, and I just moved to apple
>machines last summer. I asked some other people, but the only solution they
>provided was to get back to 2.4 with no SMP support. I mean . . . I guess
>that works . . .

Well, that's not really a MOL thing ;) Both my current rsync kernel tree and
the current ppc bitkeeper one should work properly on SMP macs. What
model is your machine ?


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