Re: PCI devices under MOL

Subject: Re: PCI devices under MOL
From: Quentin Mason (
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 21:49:06 MST

> I have an application which requires direct access to hardware in a PCI
> slot, but under MOL the PCI bus doesn't seem to be visible.

> Is there any way of releasing the PCI bus from Linux and using it from

Not as far as I know... Many people hope to be able to use some
non-linuxable hardware in MOL but unfortunately that is not quite how it
works. All of the disks (cd,zip etc) have a linux driver in MOL and that
is why they show up as hard disks and sometimes you get better I/O than
regular MacOS... USB, firewire, direct hardware accelerated video are all
things dreamed about but not yet implemented. wrt PCI I believe that
previous discussions have suggested that it is possible, however nothing
has come of it to my knowledge, sorry. The best answer is "sooner if you
help write it".


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