mol-0.9.62 available for download
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 00:05:14 +0200

On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 05:48:44PM -0400, Bob Beaton wrote:
> Samuel,
> First, let me express many thanks for updating MoL! I was able to
> download and install it on my G3/YDL2.1 system very easily. And I'm very
> happy to see all of the bug fixes. Great job!
> Second, despite the update, I'm still having a problem with MoL that
> severely limits its usefulness for me. The problem involves MoL's time
> keeping. Specifically, when I run MoL for even a short period of time,
> the MacOS system clock runs wildly out of synch with the real time. This
> problem has been discussed before on this list. But now, with the latest
> update, I think the problem has become much worse. 

I intend to address this problem this week. Whenever MacOS
goes to sleep, the clock becomes completely bogus. It ought to
be a matter of just setting the date and time after sleep.
