mol-0.9.62 available for download

Stefan Jeglinski
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 11:05:06 -0400

>The module contains only source code (this module
>is actually a snapshot of the BitKeeper tree, which only contains source
>code). The binary files (the startup sound and certain drivers
>compiled in MacOS) are in the module which
>is downloaded through the 'make libimport' step.

OK, I've rynced again but now, after reading the enclosed BUILDING file...

Assuming that what I downloaded is a proper rsync:

	running yields a -large- number of warnings. It's not clear
	that some are errors but I think they may be. There are certainly lots
	of warnings. OTOH the script does not seem to abort... regardless,
	the ./configure configure step then yields

	'configure: error: cannot find sources (/mol_config.h ) in . or ..'

Assuming that what I rsynced is a perfect copy of the bk tree (as per 
the quote above):

	'bk -r co' yields 'bk: Cannot find package root.'

I'm persisting with rsync because I like it. I don't know if these 
are bugs or just me being stupid. For now I'll just bail and download 
the tgz, but I'm wondering what I did wrong since I tried to follow 
the rsync/bk build directions literally.

Stefan Jeglinski