Legality of MOL on non-Apple HW
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 00:13:15 +0200

On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 01:19:16PM -0700, strobe anarkhos wrote:
> >This is a difficult question. Apple's "shrink wrap" Software
> >License accompanying MacOS states (I think) that the
> >computer must be Apple branded or Apple licensed. The legal
> >status of this kind of agreements seem to be in doubt though.
> >Which country you live in might be a factor here.
> Hrm, that sounds pretty clear to me. Where's the doubt?

Well, for one thing, it is a bit uncertain whether breaking a sticker 
is legally the same thing as agreeing to a software license. In 
particular since the license text is not easily available until 
the product has actually been purchased.

Searching the net, there seems to be court decisions going in
both directions. 

It is also possible there are local consumer law paragraphs that
take precedence over the license agreement (fair use etc).

But I agree that running MacOS trough MOL on a machine not
Apple-labeled nor Apple-licensed might very well be legally
