Testing needed, Linux support

Samuel Rydh mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Sun, 16 Jun 2002 16:07:05 +0200

I have recently pushed a major change to the MMU subsystem of MOL. I would
appreciate it if as many as possible could test the latest BK/rsync
version of MOL.

The change was primarily targeted to speed up the performance of MOL
when unix-like operating systems is run within MOL (Linux, OS X).
However, there is some performance gain with MacOS classic too
(I quick MacBench run indicated about 5% gain).

The latest version of MOL has support for running Linux within MOL,
although there are still a few rough edges. For those who feel like
testing it, this is what my molrc file look like:

	linux_disk:	/dev/hde14			-ro
	linux_disk:	/BK/ext2disk			-rw
	linux_disk:	/dev/hde9			-ro
	linux_disk:	/home/samuel/linuxswap 		-rw
	linux_disk:	/home/samuel/linuxdisk 		-rw

	netdev2:	tun0 -tun

	linux_initrd:	/BK/initrd
	linux_cmdline:	'init=/start root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=10000 initopts=3'

MOL is started in linux mode through 'startmol --linux=kernel_image'.

Note that the hosted linux session needs to load a few kernel modules
with MOL support (disk access for instance is not available without them). 
These modules must be loaded from an initrd (and then one can mount the
real root and do a pivot_root).

At this time the linux drivers are only available as modules. It shouldn't
be that hard to move them to the kernel proper though (useful if one want
to avoid the pivot_root stuff).

The source of the kernel modules as well as a sample start script is
available in the BK repository

The latest mol source code is available at

	http://mol.bkbits.net:8080/MOL		(BitKeeper)
	zorn.theophys.kth.se::mol		(rsync)
	rsync.penguinppc.org::mol		(rsync)

Btw. the linux-in-linux mode does not support 8-bits video yet.

