HOWTO: MOL 0.9.65 and Yellow Dog 2.3 (HTML E-Mail) also a quick not on Networking with MOL and Mac OS X

Stefan Hakenberg
Fri, 08 Nov 2002 07:54:36 -0900

(I am posting this message again, because my subject line might have 
blurred the context of my mail.  It is with regards to a message by 
Jamie Maynard from 29 September.)

I am following the steps as outlined by Jamie Maynard (Thanks for taking
the time and putting together the list!).  I have the newer kernel
(19-4a) installed but get stuck trying to rebuild the mol-kmods-*.  I am
getting a message saying "no such file or directory" which is of course
very strange, because the file is right there in front of my eyes.  What
do you think is happening?

In this context.  I went to one of the kernel sites you have mentioned
and found that I could get an even newer kernel (20-rc etc).  Would you
recommend installing that instead of the 19-4a and if yes where would I
find the rpm packages for it?

