Installing OSX within MOL

Dan Brunet
Sat, 07 Sep 2002 04:58:03 +1000

Is it possible to install OSX 10.2 from within MOL? I've decided to use disk
images (on an ext3 filesystem) as opposed to 'hard' partitions so I'd like
to try installing OSX under MOL with this setup.

I've also had to rip the OSX CDs to disk as kernel 2.4.20-pre5-benh has
broken my ide-cd support. (pdc202xx issues)

I am able to mount the isos of Jag in OS9 (under MOL) but when attempting to
startmol --osx while using the iso file of disc 1 as -boot I get the error..

<*> --> BootX failure: failed to load mach kernel

Could support for this kind of configuration be easily implemented?
