Troubles with starting MacOS X
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 23:06:19 +0200

On Sat, Sep 07, 2002 at 06:37:16AM +1000, Dan Brunet wrote:
> Ok, is it possible to install OSX on a MOL setup or must the installation
> process be performed in a non-virtual environment? I'm trying a completely
> 'soft' MOL setup but fail to boot from an ISO of the 10.2 install disc.
> The CD drive is 'out of service' on the Linux box so I can't attempt to boot
> MOL directly from the Jaguar Install CD.

At the moment, there is no support for booting MacOS X from "entire" devices
(like /dev/cdrom or iso images). The volume(s) will show up in MacOS X
but the bootloader does not know how to handle the partition table so
you can't boot from them yet.

As for running the installer, I don't think it works at the moment.
I've tried it (once) and there was a complaint which basically
said you had to boot from the CD. Hopefully it will be possible
to install from the CD once CD-booting is working. No guarantees
though. There might very well be a check that prevents the installer
from working on non-Apple hardware (MOL would probably fall into
this category).
