mol 0.9.65 OSX video boot errors ??
Sun, 8 Sep 2002 13:39:54 +0200

On Sun, Sep 08, 2002 at 09:04:55AM +0200, Eddie Bindt wrote:
> <*> -------------------------------------------
> <*> MOL acceleration for 10.1 (and later)
> <*> MOL acceleration for 10.2 (and later)
> <*> MolEnet::start
> <*> MolEnet: setPowerState 1
> <*> MolBlockDriver::starting
> Unimplemented store instruction 7C001FEC
> Unimplemented store instruction 7C001FEC
> Unimplemented store instruction 7C001FEC
> Unimplemented store instruction 7C001FEC
> Unimplemented store instruction 7C001FEC
> Unimplemented store instruction 7C001FEC
> Unimplemented store instruction 7C001FEC
> Unimplemented store instruction 7C001FEC
> Unimplemented store instruction 7C001FEC
> this error goes on forever ... I killed the process afte +80M of this in 
> the log ...

Could you try reducing the amount of RAM mol is given? I've seen a very similar
error when MOL runs out of memory.

