MOL freeze on startup

Arch and Cath
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 17:52:16 -0400

Finally managed to get mol 0.9.65 recompiled and running under kernel
2.4.19-4a.   Everything goes fine during the boot up screens.  The desktop
with clock appears and then the mouse freezes.   The first time there was a
message about not recognizing adb so I changed the mouse to USB.   Same
problem.  The console had the following message:

Starting in video mode 800*600, depth 32, 74.9 Hz  [offs:0, rb:3200]
Autoswitching to console
Ethernet Interface (port 1) 'sheep-<eth0>' @ FE:FD:DE:AD:BE:EF
DHCP nameserver exported:
Ethernet Interface (port 2) 'tun-<tun0>' @ 00:00:0D:EA:DB:EE
Using /dev/dsp for sound output

HFS  images/moldisk.i MOL                <read-only>     0 MB
HFS  /dev/sdb3        ATM HD-1 SYSTEM    <read-write> 2047 MB BOOT
HFS  /dev/sdb4        ATM HD-2 DATA-A    <read-write> 2047 MB
HFS  /dev/sdd4        LINUX XFER         <read-write>   95 MB

Loading 'System Folder:Mac OS ROM' from /dev/sdb3

Mapping GC at 80800000
************ WARNING, phandle == 0 ***********
extra vclaim, virt: 009B1000, size 2F000
**** of_call_method: cmd 'get-key-map' ih: 00000001 (2/2) Args:
----> 'getprop': Invalid phandle FFFFFFFF
Replacing old translation (EA 80816000, old-phys 0081E000)
Fixing timer calibration (0000C007)
********* of_quiesce *********
<*> kOpenCommand
Write of mouse control register (63 04)
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
cleaning up...
Terminating threads...

Is the mouse message at the end significant or is that just an artifact of
