mol kernel compile issues using benh10

Adam Done
28 Apr 2003 13:51:11 -0700

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I have been trying to get mol running on my own kernel compile for a
very very long time and every thing I try fails....   The latest
mol-kernel compile..  does not see the new kernel modules and it is not
even installed into my working module dir.

Can some one offer some advice.. Thank you...


ps...  a description of my latest effort

src/mol-kmods-0.9.68 $ ./configure
src/mol-kmods-0.9.68 $ make modules
src/mol-kmods-0.9.68 $ make install_modules
/usr/bin/install -c -v -d /usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68/modules
/usr/bin/install: creating directory `/usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68'
/usr/bin/install: creating directory `/usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68/modules'
MODS=`find mollib/modules -name '*.o'` ; [ "$MODS" ] && { \
for x in $MODS ; do \
        y=`echo $x | sed -e s/mollib// -e
s/[a-zA-Z0-9_]*.o$//`                 ; \
        /usr/bin/install -c -v -d /usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68/$y || exit
1                        ; \
        /usr/bin/install -c -v --mode=644 $x
/usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68/$y || exit 1     ; \
done ; }
/usr/bin/install: creating directory
`mollib/modules/2.4.20-ben10/molsymglue.o' ->
`mollib/modules/2.4.20-ben10/mol.o' ->
`mollib/modules/2.4.20-ben10/sheep.o' ->
`mollib/modules/2.4.20-ben10/tun.o' ->
`mollib/modules/2.4.20-ben10/ethertap.o' ->

src/mol-kmods-0.9.68 $ startmol
Mac-on-Linux 0.9.69 Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Samuel Rydh
Starting MOL session 0
  No mol-0.9.69 kernel modules corresponding to the running
  2.4.20-ben10 kernel were found ('startmol --list' displays
  installed version). Recompile the mol kernel modules (recommended)
  or try starting MOL as root using the '-a' switch. The '-a'
  flag can be made default by the 'allow_kver_mismatch: yes' setting.

src/mol-kmods-0.9.68 $ startmol -a
Mac-on-Linux 0.9.69 Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Samuel Rydh
Starting MOL session 0
Loading Mac-on-Linux kernel module:
/lib/modules/2.4.20-powerpc/misc/mol.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.4.20-powerpc/misc/mol.o: unresolved symbol
/lib/modules/2.4.20-powerpc/misc/mol.o: unresolved symbol
  Failed to load the module - try recompiling the MOL kernel
  module. Instructions (and information about common problems)
  are available at <>.

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I have been trying to get mol running on my own kernel compile for a very very long time and every thing I try fails....&nbsp;&nbsp; The latest mol-kernel compile..&nbsp; does not see the new kernel modules and it is not even installed into my working module dir.<BR>
Can some one offer some advice.. Thank you...<BR>
ps...&nbsp; a description of my latest effort<BR>
src/mol-kmods-0.9.68 $ ./configure<BR>
src/mol-kmods-0.9.68 $ make modules<BR>
src/mol-kmods-0.9.68 $ make install_modules<BR>
/usr/bin/install -c -v -d /usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68/modules<BR>
/usr/bin/install: creating directory `/usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68'<BR>
/usr/bin/install: creating directory `/usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68/modules'<BR>
MODS=`find mollib/modules -name '*.o'` ; [ &quot;$MODS&quot; ] &amp;&amp; { \<BR>
for x in $MODS ; do \<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; y=`echo $x | sed -e s/mollib// -e s/[a-zA-Z0-9_]*.o$//`&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ; \<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /usr/bin/install -c -v -d /usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68/$y || exit 1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ; \<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; /usr/bin/install -c -v --mode=644 $x /usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68/$y || exit 1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ; \<BR>
done ; }<BR>
/usr/bin/install: creating directory `/usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68//modules/2.4.20-ben10'<BR>
`mollib/modules/2.4.20-ben10/molsymglue.o' -&gt; `/usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68//modules/2.4.20-ben10/molsymglue.o'<BR>
`mollib/modules/2.4.20-ben10/mol.o' -&gt; `/usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68//modules/2.4.20-ben10/mol.o'<BR>
`mollib/modules/2.4.20-ben10/sheep.o' -&gt; `/usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68//modules/2.4.20-ben10/sheep.o'<BR>
`mollib/modules/2.4.20-ben10/tun.o' -&gt; `/usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68//modules/2.4.20-ben10/tun.o'<BR>
`mollib/modules/2.4.20-ben10/ethertap.o' -&gt; `/usr/local/lib/mol/0.9.68//modules/2.4.20-ben10/ethertap.o'<BR>
src/mol-kmods-0.9.68 $ startmol<BR>
Mac-on-Linux 0.9.69 Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Samuel Rydh<BR>
Starting MOL session 0<BR>
&nbsp; No mol-0.9.69 kernel modules corresponding to the running<BR>
&nbsp; 2.4.20-ben10 kernel were found ('startmol --list' displays<BR>
&nbsp; installed version). Recompile the mol kernel modules (recommended)<BR>
&nbsp; or try starting MOL as root using the '-a' switch. The '-a'<BR>
&nbsp; flag can be made default by the 'allow_kver_mismatch: yes' setting.<BR>
src/mol-kmods-0.9.68 $ startmol -a<BR>
Mac-on-Linux 0.9.69 Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Samuel Rydh<BR>
Starting MOL session 0<BR>
Loading Mac-on-Linux kernel module:<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp; /lib/modules/2.4.20-powerpc/misc/mol.o<BR>
/lib/modules/2.4.20-powerpc/misc/mol.o: unresolved symbol force_sig_R464ba6d3<BR>
/lib/modules/2.4.20-powerpc/misc/mol.o: unresolved symbol find_vma_R683e5642<BR>
/lib/modules/2.4.20-powerpc/misc/mol.o: unresolved symbol mem_map_R0686c7e5<BR>
&nbsp; Failed to load the module - try recompiling the MOL kernel<BR>
&nbsp; module. Instructions (and information about common problems)<BR>
&nbsp; are available at &lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;.<BR>
