HOWTO: Debian BenH

Aaron Schrab
Mon, 4 Aug 2003 00:08:22 -0500

At 12:15 +1000 04 Aug 2003, Charles Twardy <> wrote:
> I admit that they show up in the package list (dpkg -c), but while
> /etc/mol gets created, NOTHING gets put in there. Nada, zip, zilch,
> ZERO. 

Did you remove the config files at some point?  If so, dpkg will count
that as a configuration change that needs to be respected and it won't
recreate them.  If the packaged versions of a config file changes, dpkg
will ask if you want to install it, but otherwise it will be silent.
You can change this behaviour by using the --force-confmiss option to

Aaron Schrab
 When we aren't plundering and wreaking havoc,
 we speak out on the importance of safe boating.
   -- Spider Pirate Captain (The Drywall and Oswald Show #2)