Networking Problem

Tong Si-wai
Wed, 6 Aug 2003 22:14:52 +0800 (CST)

Titanium Suite Admin and others,

Do you mean in OS X networking, I should input
10.130.64.X (which is the same network class of my
home network - and also the same network class of my
YellowDog linux?) ?

On the other hand, by default, I found that when I
type /sbin/ifconfig in YD Linux, tun0 shown up as when MOL starts (I think it is because of
the setting in tunconfig and dhcpd-mol.conf), is it

On the other hand, I got two more problem,
1. Before I commented the sheep line, I run MOL once
and it seems that ping ok from OS X but IE not allowed
to surf the web. However, after I commented the sheep
line in, I got one more network device ne2
and now everything I run MOL, I can only change ne2
setting with ne1 ghosted.

2. I got the follow warnings when I run the MOL (which
I don't think I appeared before)

Starting MOL session 1
Loading Mac-on-Linux kernel module:
Warning: loading
/usr/lib/mol/0.9.68/modules/2.4.20-8d/mol.o will taint
the kernel: forced load
  See for
information about tainted modules
Module mol loaded, with warnings
Loading tun driver kernel module:
Warning: loading
/usr/lib/mol/0.9.68/modules/2.4.20-8d/tun.o will taint
the kernel: forced load
  See for
information about tainted modules
Module tun loaded, with warnings
Unknown processor id (7000)
Running in PowerPC G3 mode, 256 MB RAM
Timebase: 24.83 MHz, Bus: 99.34 MHz, Clock: 800 MHz
Using USB mouse on /dev/input/mice

By the way, "Titanium Suite Admin", are you using
Yellowdog3.0 and ibook??

Thanks in advance.

Poor Felix 
