switching wireless networks and MOL

Nirmal Govind mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Thu, 14 Aug 2003 02:14:52 -0400

Hi.. I'm running into problems when I try switching wireless networks while 
MOL is running OSX. Here's what I'm trying to do - suppose I have an existing 
wireless connection on eth1. I start OSX in MOL, there's wireless access on 
the OSX just started. Now, suppose I need to change the wireless network (for 
example, when I come back home from school) and switch to another one. So I 
try "ifdown eth1" but this does not finish since it's trying to rmmod airport 
which I guess OSX under MOL is using... I tried disabling the en3 adaptor in 
OSX but that didn't help. So I have to shutdown MOL/OSX and then ifdown 
completes. I then do an ifup eth1 again and restart MOL. Is there any way by 
which I can switch wireless networks without having to restart MOL? My 
molrc.net has "netdev: eth1 -sheep"..
