Sound in mol dev

Brian Ruth
Thu, 14 Aug 2003 12:27:47 +0100 (BST)

Hi all,

Sound in OSX has never worked for me, probably as I only have a 133MHz 604.
Unfortunately, it locks up the Mac OS whenever it tries to make a sound! A
while ago, I fixed this by simply specifying 'disable_sound: yes' in molrc.osx
- I don't need sound anyway, and it stopped the crashing.

However, having rebuilt mol from the developer bk tree recently, this seems to
have stopped working - whenever OSX would have produced a sound, it now
crashes again. Has the working of that changed recently, and should I specify
something else in molrc.osx?

Also - I can't build from the current BK tree - it seems to require the ALSA
sound library, which I don't have installed (and don't really want to put on,
unless absolutely necessary)...
