Sound in mol dev

Samuel Rydh
Thu, 14 Aug 2003 15:08:30 +0200

On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 12:27:47PM +0100, Brian Ruth wrote:
> However, having rebuilt mol from the developer bk tree recently, this seems to
> have stopped working - whenever OSX would have produced a sound, it now
> crashes again. Has the working of that changed recently, and should I specify
> something else in molrc.osx?

The sound driver should't load in the latest bk (or at least it isn't
supposed to). I have made an API change which should prevent the old
sound driver from loading (and I haven't uploaded the new one yet).
> Also - I can't build from the current BK tree - it seems to require the ALSA
> sound library, which I don't have installed (and don't really want to put on,
> unless absolutely necessary)...

Yes... this is another issue that I intend to address (detecting ALSA at
configure time). It is not that difficult to get rid of the ALSA support
by editing src/driver/osi_sound and src/ though.
