Cy@lus is now available to consumers. 241158
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 20:06:50 -0500

  <TITLE>Generic Tadalafil</TITLE>
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   We are dedicated to providing top quality generic alternatives to high price 
   "name brand" lifestyle medications.<br><font color="#FFAD45" size="1">***
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      This generic brand of Cyalis is an emerging tablet-based oral treatment for
      impotency & erectile dysfunction (ED) which is now available for you to buy
      online. It is proving highly successful in clinical trials and is generating 
      major interest as a real alternative to other Sildenafil-based medications.
      <br><font color="#FFAD45" size="1">******
***************</font><br>Cyalus also
      works much faster than Sildenafil-based medications.<br>In clinical trials, the 
      majority of men who took the drug <b>were able to engage in sexual intercourse
      within 30 minutes or less</b>.The studies also indicated that <b>Cyalus stays in the
      system for up to 30 hours</b><font color="#FFAD45" size="1">*********
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   For more information or for ordering, please visit <a target="blank" href=""></a><br>
<font color="#FFAD45" size="1">******