Can't boot OSX

Samuel Rydh
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 17:53:35 +0100

On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 05:41:24PM +0100, Daniele Purrone wrote:
> but when it does, I get a message saying it could not
> find any valid  Mac OS Rom on it, and so it goes back to hda10.

Yes... you have to use the --osx switch in order to boot MacOS X.

> If I launch it with the --osx option a get a different error message 
> saying he didn't find the BootX. The strange thing is I shouldn't have 
> a "BootX", AFAIK, being my computer a new world Mac.

Well, what BootX refers to is the MacOS X boot loader (not Ben's 
Linux boot loader). You have either a broken MOL installation
or (more probably) a too old version. I recommend you install
the latest MOL version for OSX. The source is available
through rsync:

	rsync -rzv mol-rsync
	cd mol-rsync
	./ ; ./configure
	make libimport
	make install

