mol on yellowdoglinux

Joe Villari
Thu, 09 Jan 2003 09:39:16 +0000

here are some basics steps to get MOL configured with YDL 2.3:

1 - open a shell  window from within KDE or Gnome
2 - As root, or SU, run molvconfig (you should probably select 
"fb.modes" for your machine)
3 - Select your monitor's resolution and refresh rates
4 - If you see a RED screen press "y" and then do the same for BLUE and 
GREEN. If you see a BLACK screen press "n" and change your resolution 
and refresh rates.

After setting your monitor you'll need to edit molrc:
* you can use whatever editor you are comfortable with, I gave you 
instructions for vi*

1 - vi /ect/molrc (opens molrc with VI)
2 - ?48 (this will search molrc for the number 48)
3 - hit "i" (this put vi into insert mode) delete 48 and change it to a 
higher number less than the actual amount of RAM on your machine.
4 - hit escape key
5 - ?/dev/hda
6 - "i" to insert and change /dev/hda to where you MAC OS lives, in my 
case it was /dev/hda9. Then change the "ro" to "rw"
7 - hit escape
8 - wq (write the file and quit vi)

Now if you log out of KDE or Gnome and as root umount the MAC partion, 
if it is mounted otherwise the disk will show up as locked, and run 
startmol and you should have a full screen MAC desktop.

Ti 667 PowerBook YDL 2.3 and MAC OS 9.2.2 wrote:

>Hello everybody,
>I´m running mol on yellowdoglinux 2.3 but when I start mol there are some
>video trouble because I see just a black screen.
>I already test (startmol --test) and configure the mol video opitons using
>molvconfig. So I tryed to change the configurations opitons inside the
>molrc file but it doesnt work.
>I´m running it on an iMac 350 and the macos version is 9.2.2
>Please help me.
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