MOL crashes

Brian Ruth
Wed, 30 Jul 2003 17:11:18 +0100

> The amount of RAM can be increased by changing the mol config size.
> /etc/mol/molrc.osx, ram_size value.
> Note: That this number can be the same and/or bigger than your actual
> memory.  I have put it to 256MB, my total RAM.  Just make sure you have
> a lot of swap space (512MB should be enough) on the Linux side if you
> are running a lot or large application.

I had wondered about that - whether or not it was a good idea to give MOL
more memory than I actually had. I've increased it up to 256MB (the machine
only has 128MB), and I'll see how things go...

I've also tracked down at least one cause of the crashing in OSX - it crashed
MOL whenever it tried to produce a sound. I hadn't noticed that earlier, 
since the machine in question doesn't have speakers, so I rarely use sound
on it anyway. Adding 'disable_sound: yes' to the molrc.osx, along with the
extra memory, seems to have alleviated the problem somewhat - I'll run it
like this for a few days and see how things go...

Thanks for the advice!
