MOL crashes

David Bélanger
Wed, 30 Jul 2003 13:32:31 -0400

On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 05:11:18PM +0100, Brian Ruth wrote:
> > 
> > The amount of RAM can be increased by changing the mol config size.
> > /etc/mol/molrc.osx, ram_size value.
> > 
> > Note: That this number can be the same and/or bigger than your actual
> > memory.  I have put it to 256MB, my total RAM.  Just make sure you have
> > a lot of swap space (512MB should be enough) on the Linux side if you
> > are running a lot or large application.
> I had wondered about that - whether or not it was a good idea to give MOL
> more memory than I actually had. I've increased it up to 256MB (the machine
> only has 128MB), and I'll see how things go...

It would be interesting to know what would be the configuration to give
the best performance.

I didn't experiment much, I am just using the following reasoning:

I have given my total RAM (I have 256MB).  So if I spent some time in OS
X, I am assuming Linux will swap to disk most of the memory of the other
application.  If I would limit it to 96MB for example, even if I have
128MB free, OS X (and all application) would use only 96MB of RAM and
OS X may start swapping even if I have free RAM.


> I've also tracked down at least one cause of the crashing in OSX - it crashed
> MOL whenever it tried to produce a sound. I hadn't noticed that earlier, 
> since the machine in question doesn't have speakers, so I rarely use sound
> on it anyway. Adding 'disable_sound: yes' to the molrc.osx, along with the
> extra memory, seems to have alleviated the problem somewhat - I'll run it
> like this for a few days and see how things go...
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David Bélanger
Graduate Student
School of Computer Science
McGill University
Office: MC226

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