Which Linux

Ulrich Plate mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 11:10:58 +0900

Ben Fowler wrote:

> I am contemplating installing a new distribution of linux for a recent
> G4 Powerbook, upon which to run MOL and Mac OS X.
> What is the distribution of choice:
> 	Gentoo?

Mine is, yes. That in itself doesn't mean much, but if you're looking
for educational value, I'm sure you will not be disappointed... :)

> Is it possible to buy PPC Gentoo, and if so, from where?

There used to be CD vendors who had the PPC version of Gentoo Linux on
offer, but things change so rapidly that I suggest you simply download
it from one of the mirrors. The complete LiveCD image is only 300 MB...


Ulrich Plate