MOL 0.9.68 with YDL 3.0 on a 17" iMac iLamp using OSX 10.2.6

Jens Schmalzing
21 May 2003 08:27:17 +0200


Francois Prowse <> writes:

> Ok - how can I specify resolutions that arn't on the list?  Ie
> Higher than those from molvconfig?

Add the modes you want to /etc/fb.modes (or any other modes database
that molvconfig probes) and re-run molvconfig.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je p=E9zqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!