Ablk engine error

Francois Prowse mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Sat, 11 Oct 2003 18:33:13 +1300 (NZDT)

Hi again, I'm now getting the following error with MOL when booting my 
existing 10.2.8 disk. Ablk engine error... 

Any ideas?

debianPPC:/home/fprowse# startmol --osx
Mac-on-Linux 0.9.69 Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Samuel Rydh
Starting MOL session 1
Running in PowerPC G3 mode, 256 MB RAM
Timebase: 25.05 MHz, Bus: 100.20 MHz, Clock: 601 MHz
Using ps2 mouse on /dev/psaux
OHCI USB controller registered
Could not open '/var/lib/mol/x11.kbd'
Fullscreen video on VT 8.
Could not open '/var/lib/mol/console.kbd'
Video driver(s): [xvideo] [console_video]
     640* 480, depth 8,32   { 116.6 } Hz
     800* 600, depth 8,32   { 74.8, 94.8 } Hz
    1024* 768, depth 8,32   { 74.8, 75.0 } Hz
    1152* 768, depth 8,32   { 54.7 } Hz
    1280* 854, depth 8,32   { 60.0 } Hz
    1152* 864, depth 8,32   { 59.9 } Hz
    1280*1024, depth 8,32   { 60.0 } Hz
    1600*1200, depth 8,32   { 0.0 } Hz
Ethernet Interface 'sheep-<eth0>' @ FE:FD:DE:AD:BE:EF
MOL SCSI controller registered
    <No SCSI Devices>
    Disk /dev/hdb                        <rw> 57241 MB
    CD   /dev/hdd         CD-ROM         <read-only>   ------
>> ==================================================
>> MacOS X Boot Loader 1.1.18
>> Candidate boot volume: /mol-blk@0/disk@0:2
>> /mol-blk@0/disk@0:2,\mach_kernel (3819896 bytes)
>> /mol-blk@0/disk@0:2,\System\Library\Extensions.mkext
>> ==================================================
<*> Block Driver v1.1
Mounting MOL driver disk
+ Video Driver v1.12
ablk iofunc: Input/output error
ABlk engine error
