PPC Emulator, is this real?!?!

Marcelo A. Ferreira Gomes mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 09:48:32 -0300

Not so simple. I haven't looked into this particular emulator yet, 
but most engines just take "shortcuts" when dealing with speed issues 
by not properly emulating the full behavior of the MMU, thus getting 
the speed they need. They might be all that's required to emulate a 
game console, but a full-blown operating system usually requires much 
more from the MMU.

If this GC emulator is like that, we'd have to make massive changes 
to many parts of the code in order to properly emulate the MMU, and 
it would probably be harder than writing an emulator yourself from 

I may have some time this weekend to take a look at this issue. Later 
on, I'll tell you what I've found. If someone else has some spare 
time before me, please look into it, too, and spread the word.


At 22:58 +0200 13/10/2003, Karosa Alabaster wrote:
>Well this emulator engine is being developed to run 3d games..
>So the MMU code should deal with speed issues.. At least I think so.. Let m=
>know if anyone wants to run some speed test..
>Thanks in advance
>Karosa Alabaster
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Fredrik Andersson" <fredrikandersson@mac.com>
>To: <mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org>
>Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 10:24 PM
>Subject: Re: PPC Emulator, is this real?!?!
>It appears to be real to me. (I don't have a x86 around here though to
>verify. but the interpreter seems functional (and it's actually a PPC
>Either way. The problem is not to write a PPC emulator, there's quite a
>few already.
>The problem is to get speed in the thing, especially the Memory
>Management Unit.
>m=E5ndagen den 13 oktober 2003 kl 21.46 skrev Karosa Alabaster:
>>  Hey Samuel, and other C programmers.
>>  http://www.zophar.net/gc.html
>>  Could you check this out? It could be interesting.
>>  It claims to be a GameCube emulator for the x86 platform (That thing
>>  contains an Ibm PowerPc G3 cpu) Plus it claims not to be a hoax.
>>  Altough I don't really program in C, It doesn't seem like a big window
>>  with
>>  message box saying "Hey.. You were hoping for a ppc emulator, good
>>  joke"
>>  Tell me what you think.. Can this actually be used to emulate a ppc on
>>  the
>>  pc?
>>  Thanks in advance.
>>  --
>>  Karosa Alabaster
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