Running MOL on OS X...

Oliver Godby
Mon, 2 Feb 2004 21:39:54 +0000

Dear List,

I have an Alu 17" Powerbook from the first generation of those machines 
and as such I have no desire to attempt to install Linux PPC on it (due 
to Nvidia incompatibility problems and the variable fan-speed stuff), 
but it would be quite useful to me to be able to run Linux on an 
emulated virtual machine by reversing the MOL to LOM.  Is this planned 
in any way?  Would it be possible to achieve what I'm looking for 
simply by compiling MOL under MacOS X and then running it under X11?

I admit I am a bit clueless about these things, but would appreciate 
some help in this regard,


Oliver Godby
"The dignity is in leisure. Besides, 99 hundredths of all the work done 
in the world is either foolish and unnecessary, or harmful and wicked." 
- Herman Melville