MOL networking with OS 9

Samuel Rydh
Thu, 8 Jan 2004 15:54:31 +0100

On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 10:12:27AM -0400, Misty De Meo wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having some trouble getting internet to work properly in OS 9... I can 
> access the internet in OS X, but nothing works in OS 9.

> I've tried setting everything to what OS X detects by
> DHCP, but to no effect.

And that won't work since Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X uses
slightly different settings (in order to make it possible
to run them in parallell).

The recommended configuration is to use dhcp in
both Mac OS X and Mac OS 9. You should

i) Make sure you have the dhcp _server_ installed

ii) Open the TCP/IP dialog in MacOS and select the
correct ethernet interface. There are typically two
ethernet devices available (one of them is for the sheep driver
and the second for the tun driver). Unfortunately it
is difficult to know which one is which (you have to
test both, you want the tun driver...)

iii) Check the MOL log for errors

iv) Check that no tun devices are configured when MOL is not
running (/sbin/ifconfig). If there are active tun devices, then there
might be a stale dhcp server around which you need to kill.
