Sound with ALSA

Nathanael Hasbrouck
Fri, 30 Jan 2004 22:29:15 -0500

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I've just been trying to sort out sound support here, and hit a bit of a snag.  
MOL finally compiled with ALSA support (after I installed alsa-headers and 
libasound2-dev :), but it's not quite working.  '/etc/mol/molrc.sound" is 
attached.  Relevant snip from the log:

Autoswitching to console
Ethernet Interface (port 1) 'sheep-<eth0>' @ FE:FD:DE:AD:BE:EF
Using ALSA mixer PCM 0 (mixerdevice 'default')
ALSA sound driver (device 'default')
ALSA: failed to setup mixer
MOL SCSI controller registered

So, I'm at a bit of a loss here - what should I be using as a mixer device or 
how can I find out? I'm using alsa 0.9.8 from debian sid, compiled against 
kernel 2.4.24-ben1, Mac-on-Linux 0.9.70-rc2 [Jan 16 2004 19:53].

Neckties strangle clear thinking. - Lin Yutang

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# -*- perl -*- (for emacs syntax coloring)
# Mac-on-Linux sound configuration

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Common settings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

sound.driver:		alsa		# alsa, oss, nosound or any
startboing.enabled:	yes
sound.bufsize:		4096		# not used for MacOS X

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ALSA settings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some sample ALSA devices: "default", "tee:hw,'/tmp/out.raw',raw"

#alsa.fragsize:		512
#alsa.device:		"default"
alsa.mixer		"PCM" 0
#alsa.mixerdevice:	"default"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Open Sound System (OSS) settings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#oss.device:		/dev/dsp
#oss.fragsize:		256
#oss.nbufs:		4
