Installing MOL into YDL 3.0.1

Eric Dunbar erdunbar at
Mon Oct 4 10:54:32 MDT 2004


The problem with the default YDL 3.0.1 install and the MOL that is
installed with it (0.90.69) is that YDL uses the 2.4.22-2f kernel by
default, and the mol-kmod that's installed with YDL is compiled for the
2.4.22-2fSMP kernel (and, startmol -a will not allow MOL to run on the
2.4.22-2f kernel).

Rather than re-compile the mol-kmod (whether it be 0.90.69 or 0.90.70
as downloaded from to match 2.4.22-2f, I was lazy and
replaced the single processor kernel with the 2.4.22-2fSMP kernel
(found in /boot -- I'm using a Beige G3 with BootX so I e-mailed it to
my OS 9 partition).

Does anyone see any problems with this solution? It works alright for

Thanks, Eric.

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