Oldworld booting?

Rasmus Wiman rasmus at wiman.org
Thu Mar 16 21:48:48 MST 2006

Eric A.Haines <eahaines at localnet.com> skrev:

> Yes, but that only works for new world.  With old world you need a
> dump of the actual ROM chip.

And that seems to be pretty hard to get. The link at www.maconlinux.com
does not work. Fortunately I just found
http://homepage3.nifty.com/toshi3/data/Rom-grabber.sit , a program that
at least also is called Rom-grabber, but so far I'm out of luck. All I
get when I grab the ROM of my 7600 is a file containing only junk.
Well, I don't know how an actual ROM file should look, but it seems to
contain old linux log files and other stuff I don't expect to see.


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