Caps_Lock -> Control (Pismo)

Matt Rohrer
Mon Apr 1 14:40:01 2002

Please, please help me.

I have a PowerBook G3 Firewire (Pismo), running YDL 2.1
[rohrer@xenos:~] $ uname -r

I _need_ to re-map my Caps_Lock key to Control. I've tried xmodmap(1)
and manually editing the /etc/sysconfig/console/default.kmap.gz file,
but they don't seem to do anything other than disabling Caps_Lock.

In my googling I've found hints that there's some hardware hack that
may be able to be disabled via a .config knob, but I've not been able
to find anything more.

Does anyone have a working .config that will let me re-map my
Caps_Lock key? Or is there some other way that I've totally missed?

Is it even possible to re-map the Caps_Lock key on the Pismo?

Words cannot express how greatful I would be if I could fix this

- Matt