YDL upgrade using apt-get

Dan Burcaw yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Apr 10 13:13:01 2002

On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 12:09, Ron Hale-Evans wrote:
> I am having the same problem Bo Green is while upgrading to 2.2 with
> apt-get.  I get MD5Sum mismatches on the same packages he does
> (glibc-common, cdrecord, tcl, tetex, and whois) plus one more
> (gnome-games).
> I am going to change my /etc/apt/sources.list to point to a different
> server (maybe distro.ibiblio.org) and will report back with the
> results.

Did you try:

apt-get dist-upgrade --fix-missing


Sometimes an md5sum mismatch happens because a file didn't
download correctly.  --fix-missing will try to redownload
those files with md5sum mismatches.

The other thing is, a mirror might not have the files properly
downloaded, so try another site.  I know the psu.edu site has a complete
