YDL upgrade using apt-get

Dan Burcaw yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Apr 10 16:39:01 2002

> I've tried everything mentioned here since last night and the whole 
> apt-get thing just won't work.  I'm really close to just zarching the 
> whole damned 2.1 install and starting from scratch with 2.2.

I and a number of others have had no problem with the upgrade...
I have a new box arriving tomorrow that I will be installing on, and so
I'll give it another go.  If the FTP site has some corrupted data.. I'll
try to resolve that.

By the way, did you try the psu.edu mirror? I specifically used that and
our master server (from which ftp.yellowdoglinux.com gets its data).